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  • ACL Injury and Chiropractic

    You may not think of your knee and back being related, but chiropractic treatment can actually help prevent and care for injury to your ACL.

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  • ADHD

    Although chiropractors don't directly treat ADHD, there are a number of things that your chiropractor can do to help eliminate things that stress a child's nervous system. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common condition that tends to emerge in children during their early

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  • Above-Down, Inside-Out

    "Above-down, inside-out" is a poetic coinage by Dr. B.J. Palmer, one of the founders of the field of chiropractic. "B.J.", as he has been affectionately known by chiropractors for almost 100 years, was describing the inner workings of the brain and spinal cord, the complex nerve system connected to all

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  • Action or Reaction?

    We're all familiar with the mechanism of action-and-reaction in the world of sports. Pitcher-and-batter is an action-reaction duo in baseball. A basketball guard driving to the hoop and a defender leaping to block the shot is another example. A racecar driver negotiating a tight turn at speed is executing

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  • Active Release Techniques

    When there is damage to muscles and other soft tissues including pulls, tears, or not being able to get enough oxygen (hypoxia), it can result in the body producing rough, thick scar tissue in the affected area. Scar tissue restricts the tissues from moving freely because they bind them and tie them

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  • Adjusting to a New Year

    Want to stay healthier this year? Chiropractic offers a natural solution.

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