New Patient Form

  • Forty Winks

    When we think of healthful lifestyle choices we generally consider requirements for a healthy diet and regular vigorous exercise. We want to be sure we're eating a wide variety of foods from the primary food groups and that we’re careful to watch our daily calorie intake. In the realm of exercise,

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  • Four Resolutions for a Healthier Back

    Eat more vegetables. Stress less. Take the kids out to the park more often. You may already have a long list of resolutions for the new year. This year, honor your spine, too. With the help of your doctor of chiropractic, these simple steps can promote a healthier back for the new year. Consider replacing

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  • Frequent Flying

    Most of us, at one time or another, have traveled for business. Some of us do this fairly often, and when we travel for business, we're usually getting where we're going by plane. Air travel used to be quick and easy. But lately, within the last ten years, maybe not so much. By now, we're used to long

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  • Frozen Shoulder

    The term frozen shoulder encompasses a wide variety of restrictive shoulder disorders and can also be referred to as adherent bursitis, pericapsulitis, obliterative bursitis and periarthritis. Regardless of what it is called, manipulation of the joint and neuro-muscular-skeletal rehabilitation are needed

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  • Get Healthy, Stay Healthy in the New Year

    So, it's a New Year, which traditionally means it's time for a fresh start. This year, why not make a resolution to improve your health? It's time to start the self-improvement plans we've been putting off for so long. Following these ten tips will increase your chances of living longer

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  • Get Your Sleep

    Research suggests that the amount and quality of sleep we achieve has profound effects on wellness. Nightly sleep is critical for the restoration of health. Sleep expert and President of the American Sleep Research Institute Lynn Larson explains that the link between sleep and decreased longevity is

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