New Patient Form

  • Making the Grade

    The recent school year has long been over, but the echoes of learning, striving, and achieving persist. We may, if we choose, apply these remembrances of ourselves when we were in school to the circumstances of our health and well-being. We all want good health for ourselves and the members of our families,

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  • Man and Machine

    Is a computer like a human brain or is a human brain like a computer? When machines allow us to extend our abilities, are we enhancing our humanness or becoming more machine-like? What are the meaningful distinctions between humans and machines and how do these impact our daily pursuits of health, well-being,

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  • Managing Your Symptoms

    Most of us are procrastinators. We let things go until the last minute. Papers, magazines, and books pile up on the desk until the process of finding what we're looking for resembles an archeological dig. Our garages look like our desks. Stuff fills the garage just like stuff covers the desk. Eventually,

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  • Manual Technique

    Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal pain and debility. How Does Manual Therapy Work? This form of physical therapy takes a hands-on approach rather than using devices or machines. When a chiropractor uses

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  • March Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Neuropathy

    Do you have neuropathy? Chiropractic could have the answer to your pain.

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  • March Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee)

    Struggling with runner's knee pain? Chiropractic care can ease your kneecap pain.

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